ArcasOnco: AI-augmented oncology drug screening and clinical trials

ArcasOnco ingests multi-omics data and drug screening data. It creates AI-integrated avatars and provides actionable insights for the next steps of the drug development process.

Targeted therapies and immunotherapies are taking over traditional chemotherapy treatments. Although these therapies are more sophisticated and offer fewer side effects, it remains a challenge to predict the determinants of response to such therapies.

ArcasOnco provides AI-augmented insights on drug screening and/or clinical trial results and informs next steps in the drug development pipeline such as go/no-go decisions, biomarkers, or drug repositioning. The core technology learns from omics data and drug response of disease models or primary tumors, then provides composite molecular features, termed multi-omic fingerprints, that can be used to predict biomarkers of response, disease models to choose, and the efficacy on larger cohorts. ArcasOnco makes use of pre-clinical data in a way that it can predict the future clinical performance of a drug. This is only possible thanks to our AI technology that provides frictionless integration of pre-clinical data with our primary tumor data.

ArcasOnco is a customizable platform where the input and the endpoints can be customized to the client's specifications. The necessary datasets can be generated by the platform or the platform can make use of the client’s existing data. As a minimum, the platform needs the compound or the biologic itself as input.